Research and Development Strategies
- Making necessary improvements in research and development,
- Recording the activities carried out within the scope of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and increasing the university-industry cooperation studies,
- Providing the necessary support for the present application and research centers to reach their goals,
- Increasing the number of outsourced Ar-Ge projects until the end of the university's strategic plan period,
- Increasing the resources related to projects conducted at undergraduate and postgraduate level,
- Increasing the qualified research staff that can contribute to the strategic goals of the university at the national and international level,
- Monitoring research performance and monitoring improvement studies,
- Creating an incentive and reward directive that will encourage and reward academic staff for academic work,
- Ensuring the purchase and supply of hardware and software that are important for use in courses and research,
- Increasing BAP financial support,
- Encouraging interdisciplinary projects.